Saturday, October 31, 2009

Broom Treat Bags

A couple of years ago I saw these for sale at Michael's.  They were Halloween treat bags in the shape of brooms.  So cute - but too much for my wallet.  So I looked around the blogsphere and I found a caouple of tutorials here is my simple version of the bag.

NMtreatbags2 NMtreatbags1

You will need:

Lunch bags (2 per treat bag)


Sticks from your yard OR dowels that you can purchase at a crafts store

Pipe cleaners


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Thats all - just fasten with a pipe cleaner and you are finished.  Well you must fill the bag of course - but the basic concept of the outer bag is complete.  The stick should stay in there pretty easily if you get long enough ones.


Monday, October 19, 2009

Fabric Pumpkins


These are so easy to make.  I have seen many tutorials like this online so this is not the only way but it is how I do it:)
NM13days2 First choose some fabric.  I actually decided at the last minute to use a towel that I bought at the 99 cent store.  I figured you couldn't go wrong with some soft fabric that is inexpensive right?

You will also need some felt fabric for the stem of the pumpkin.  I free hand cut 2 pieces of fabric (while folded) and had my stem.  Stitch and then turn right side out.



 YOu will need either sand or beans as I have used here to make your "weight" for the bottom of the pumpkin.

NM13days6 NM13days7

That's it - so quick and easy - these make great gifts too!:)